Small regulatory RNAs (miRNAs, siRNAs and piRNAs) have attracted much attention over the last decade and a half. The usage of siRNAs for experimental gene repression by RNA interference, the apparent poor specificity of miRNAs (each appear to repress hundreds of target genes, which would collectively involve miRNAs in the control of every physiological process in animals), and the many regulatory roles proposed for piRNAs probably explain the great interest they attracted from the scientific community.
Inevitably, among the countless publications devoted to these small RNAs, some studies contradict other articles without mentioning it; it is becoming difficult, for non-specialists, to get a clear view of the state-of-the-art in a field where dozens of articles are published daily. The conjunction of semantic issues and the high volume of existing publications create an obstacle for new-comers in this scientific field, and we aim at suppressing it by providing a clear and synthetic view of the state-of-the-art on that subject. The goal of this CNRS Summer school is to summarize established knowledge, to mention current controversies, to give all the objective elements regarding past controversies, to clarify nomenclature and vocabulary ambiguities, in order to give attendees the knowledge that will allow them to understand the literature in the field.
Like every other CNRS Summer school, InteRNAt offers a high level training for the scientific community (permanent researchers, post-docs, …). It is open to CNRS employees in priority, but it will also welcome researchers from other institutions, students, private companies, … Unlike classical scientific meetings, conferences given in a CNRS Summer school constitute a consistent and progressive set of lectures, which have to be attended entirely by the attendees. Besides conferences, workshops will involve some interactions with attendees, and informal exchanges will be facilitated by the fact that every attendee and organizer will be hosted for the whole 5 days in the venue.
Note: for CNRS and Inserm agents, registration fees will be covered by the training department of their employer.
The summer school was held on October 6-10, 2019.